Larweth named Office of Management and Budget Director
June 6, 2012

Under Larweth’s leadership, OMB will support UAF’s annual budget development process, ensuring planning and resource allocation is actively linked to UAF strategic plans and accreditation core themes. OMB will develop strategies useful in a changing financial climate, and offer recommendations to streamline UAF business processes in order to realize greater efficiencies where appropriate.
Larweth has a bachelor of science degree in business administration from Pepperdine University, with a minor in fine art. She is also a UAF alumna with a master’s degree in business administration.
Since 2006, she has served as the Office of Information Technology Executive Officer and Business Office Manager. As OIT is a merged UAF/UA unit with both Fairbanks Campus and UA System responsibilities, Larweth has had the unique experience of navigating business processes and service agreements between campus and system offices.
Larweth joins other OMB staff members Sr. Business Analysts Greg Krier and Derek Miller. The office is located in the Administrative Services Building on College Road, Suite 109, and shares space with Planning and Institutional Research.