Lecture: Learn the facts about Alaska's sea ice
January 9, 2013

Some climate change projections offer swift timetables for ice-free arctic waters. Though scientists are not all in agreement with how immediate or dramatic the change will be, they agree that the effects for Alaskans living in coastal communities will be significant. What new challenges and opportunities face our state as we approach an ice-diminished Arctic?
Andy Mahoney will discuss his field experience tracking the flux of sea ice and explain some of the most recent news on the topic Saturday, Jan. 12 at 2 p.m. in Schaible Auditorium at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Mahoney, a research assistant professor of geophysics at the UAF Geophysical Institute, will present There Will Be Ice: An Outlook on Retreating Sea Ice for Alaska, the second installment in the 21st annual Science for Alaska Lecture Series.
The Geophysical Institute and UAF are sponsoring the 2013 Science for Alaska lectures. The series runs on Saturdays through Jan. 26 and is free to the public. Coffee and questions will follow each lecture.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Andy Mahoney, research assistant professor of geology and geophysics at UAF, at 907-474-5382 or mahoney@gi.alaska.edu. Stevie Seibert, GI public relations assistant, at 907-474-5229 or skseibert@alaska.edu.
ON THE WEB: http://www.scienceforalaska.com