Lecture to explore eye-scanning technology

February 22, 2012

Marmian Grimes

Marmian Grimes

What if your computer recognized you before you typed in your password? What if your computer knew what you looked at on its monitor? Computer scientists are working on technologies that can operate based on the information gathered from our eyes. Eye-tracking technologies have been around for 40 years, but are only now becoming affordable and powerful enough to come to a computer near you. New developments in eye-scanning could affect marketing, psychological studies, informational security and more.

On Feb. 28 at 7 p.m., Kenrick Mock and Bogdan Hoanca of the University of Alaska Anchorage will discuss their development of an improved eye-scanning system. Mock, associate professor of computer science, and Hoanca, professor of management information systems, will present “Protecting Our Eye-dentity: New Methods for Information Security” in the Westmark Gold Room. The lecture is the fifth installment in the 20th annual Science for Alaska Lecture Series.

Science for Alaska 2012 is sponsored by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company. The series runs on Tuesdays through Mar. 6, 2012 and is free to the public.

Hands-on activities for all ages begin at 6:30 p.m. inside the Gold Room. Families are welcome.

ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Kenrick Mock, associate professor of computer science, UAA, at 907-786-1956 or afkjm@uaa.alaska.edu. Bogdan Hoanca, professor of management information systems, UAA, at 907-786-4140 or afbh@uaa.alaska.edu. Amy Hartley, Geophysical Institute public relations manager, at 907-474-5823 or amy.hartley@gi.alaska.edu.

ON THE WEB: http://www.scienceforalaska.com
