Lecture to focus on lasers in Alaska
January 24, 2013

With the ability to generate an intense, narrow beam of light, lasers are used in the fields of science, technology, medicine and more. Since the 1960s, lasers are almost everywhere, from the supermarket to the realm of quantum physics. Alaska is no different. Researchers in the Far North have found lasers to be useful tools in collecting data from below the sea surface to the distant reaches of our atmosphere and everything in between.
Richard Collins will discuss the multitude of laser applications in Alaska Saturday, Jan. 26 at 2 p.m. in Schaible Auditorium at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Collins, an associate director of the Geophysical Institute and professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, will present “Lasers in Alaska,” the fourth and final installment in the 21st annual Science for Alaska Lecture Series.
The Geophysical Institute and UAF are sponsoring the 2013 Science for Alaska lectures. The series runs on Saturdays through Jan. 26 and is free to the public. Coffee and questions will follow each lecture.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Richard Collins, Geophysical Institute associate director and professor at UAF, at 907-474-7607 or rlcollins@alaska.edu. Stevie Seibert, GI public relations assistant, at 907-474-5229 or skseibert@alaska.edu.
ON THE WEB: http://www.scienceforalaska.com