Letter from your ASUAF president
October 6, 2020

— by Riley von Borstel, ASUAF president
Dear fellow Nanooks,
I hope that in these difficult circumstances you are all doing well and making the most of what is, to say the least, a very odd semester.
In times like this, it can be very difficult to stay motivated in our education, in our activities and in our lives. We now recognize that we must appreciate the little things. I encourage you to reach out to others as often and safely as possible; strong social support systems can make a world of difference.
Join a different club or group on campus, take a walk before the weather drops to 40 below, go on a drive and listen to your favorite music, redecorate your dorm room, attend a virtual yoga class — the list of things you can do to de-stress is endless.
This year, as your student body president, I am striving to be an advocate for the concerns and overall health of my classmates. Above all, be brave, hang in there — we can all get through this together while remaining apart.
I wish you all the best.