Longtime UAF seafood scientist Chuck Crapo retiring
April 1, 2013
Professor Chuck Crapo retired today from the University of Alaska Fairbanks after 30 years of service, teaching and research in the field of seafood science.

“Chuck is one of those faculty members that no matter where you go on the Alaska coast, you just have to mention his name and anyone associated with seafood has a story about how he helped them, taught a class, or visited their operations,” said Michael Castellini, dean of the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.
Crapo joined the faculty at UAF in 1983 after working a decade in the seafood processing industry. For most of his university career he held a joint appointment with the UAF Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program and the UAF Fishery Industrial Technology Center, recently renamed the Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center.
“My split appointment between extension (MAP) and research (FITC) was the perfect blend of academia and outreach,” said Crapo, “It has been a very satisfying career.”
Crapo, pronounced "KRAY-poe," has been an active researcher in the fields of seafood quality and safety, with particular emphasis on his statewide role in public service to commercial fishermen, seafood processing workers, small and large seafood industry businesses and industry regulators. He is recognized within the Alaska seafood industry as an expert on handling, chilling, freezing, processing and product development of Alaska’s wild fish.
“Chuck has been a wonder to the industry,” said Dick Hand, owner of the Alaska Seafood Company in Juneau, “He is very knowledgeable and able to communicate on a level where people come out of his workshops really understanding the information.”
During his 30 years as a seafood scientist, professor and marine advisory specialist, Crapo authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications and another 50 technical or extension bulletins focused on seafood quality and product development. He has worked on more than 150 projects funded by federal agencies, state agencies, university and industry.
Crapo earned his bachelor's degree in 1974 and master's degree in 1983, both in food science and technology, from Oregon State University. He received his doctorate in food science and nutrition from the University of Rhode Island in 1996.
Crapo’s future adventures promise warmer weather; he intends to split his time between Kodiak and Southeast Asia. He is planning several weeks of mountain biking through Vietnam and Laos next winter. Crapo is content to move aside for the next generation of faculty to take his place, however he may occasionally provide expertise if asked.
“You don’t ever really retire from the university,” he said.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Chuck Crapo, 907-486-1515, chuck.crapo@alaska.edu, Paula Cullenberg, 907-274-9692, paula.cullenberg@alaska.edu
ON THE WEB: www.seagrant.uaf.edu/map/staff/crapo.html
NOTE TO EDITORS: A photo of Crapo is available online on www.uafnews.com.