Magical Mondays offer hands-on family science activities
June 9, 2014
Charu Uppal
The University of Alaska Fairbanks will offer free hands-on family science activities
on Mondays throughout the sumnmer.
Magical Mondays, hosted by UAF Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning, will begin at
7 p.m. Mondays in Room 201 of the Reichardt Building. There is no event June 30. Experts will
cover an array of topics, such as the remote sensing of volcanoes, the hidden animals
of Alaska’s seas and much more.
Following is a schedule of lectures for the summer:
June 16: "Hidden Animals of the Alaska’s Seas," with Arny Blanchard, research associate professor at UAF's Institute of Marine Science.
June 23: "Where Am I? The What, Why and How of Global Positioning Systems," with Katie Kennedy, education and outreach coordinator for Scenarios Network for Alaska & Arctic Planning, and Christine Butcher, education and outreach assistant.
July 7: "Physics: It’s as Sweet as Chocolate," with Emma Marcucci, postdoctoral fellow, Geophysical Institute.
July 14: "Planetarium Show: The Solar System and Beyond," with Nate Murphy, postdoctoral fellow, Geophysical Institute.
July 21: "Creating Color: Pigments and Dyes," with Mareca Guthrie, assistant professor of art and curator of fine arts, University of Alaska Museum of the North.
July 28: "Parka Patterns, Dolls and Headdresses: The Mathematics in Yup’ik Measurement Techniques," with Araceli Valle, developmental psychologist and UAF math faculty member.
Aug. 4: "Using Unmanned Aerial Systems to Study Alaska’s Environment," with Eyal Saiet, investigator at Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft System Integration.
Aug. 11: "Incredible Alaskan Insects," with Melissa Sikes, natural resource education specialist at Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District.
For more information, text or call 907-474-7021, download the flier (PDF) or visit