Make a difference with employee giving

April 3, 2012

Marmian Grimes

The UAF Annual Giving Program has kicked off the third annual Employee Giving Initiative. Susan Sugai, associate director for the Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research and Glenn Juday, professor of forest ecology, are the 2012 employee giving co-chairs. They share a passion for global and climate change research, and they support the Robert Belous Research Endowment. Stay tuned for more information from Susan and Glenn in the coming weeks.

Last fiscal year, nearly 600 UAF employees made a charitable gift to UAF. So far this year, more than 550 employees have given. Thank you to those who have already made a gift!

If you haven’t made a gift, please consider making one to any area on campus that you choose.  We are all a part of UAF, and we can all be part of making it better! It’s easy to give through payroll deduction or online. Please visit to learn more and make your gift today.

The Employee Giving Initiative ends May 11; please don’t wait!