Master gardener session offered in Anchorage
August 5, 2019

Registration is open for a master gardener training that begins Aug. 26 in Anchorage.
Gina Dionne, a master gardener who works for the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service in Anchorage, will teach the session from 5 to 8 p.m. Mondays at the Loussac Library, through Dec. 9.
The 40-hour training provides a broad horticultural background. Topics include botany, soils, vegetable production using organic and conventional techniques, integrated pest management, greenhouses, lawns, houseplants, trees, shrubs, flowers and invasive plants.
The fee of $300 includes materials and a copy of Extension’s sustainable gardening handbook. Participants must complete 40 hours of community service involving horticulture to become an Alaska master gardener. Students who complete their community service within one year of the class start date will receive a $100 rebate.
More details and registration are available at For more information, contact Dionne at 907-786-6313 or