Math Department NSF grant aims to help Calculus I students

April 12, 2021

University Relations

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics was recently awarded a three-year, $300,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to implement and study a novel approach to co-requisite instruction in Calculus I, beginning fall 2021.

The project, led by PI Professor Jill Faudree, aims to improve outcomes in Calculus I for students with weak prerequisite skills by proactively initiating targeted supplementary instruction (a “sidecar course” initially supported by the grant) early in the semester and continuing as needed.  The research design and curricular innovations make extensive use of historical data, collected and analyzed by the department over many years, and incorporate national best practices in co-requisite mathematics instruction. 

If you regularly teach or advise STEM undergraduates and want to know more about how this initiative can help your students, please contact Jill Faudree at or Mathematics and Statistics Department Chair Leah Berman at . More information about the project can also be found at .