Mushroom expert teaches workshop in Palmer
August 5, 2016
Debbie Carter

Mycologist Gary Laursen will lecture and lead a workshop on wild mushrooms Aug. 19-21 at the Cooperative Extension Service district office in Palmer.
Laursen, who holds a doctorate in botany and ecology, has studied Arctic, sub-Arctic and sub-Antarctic fungi around the world for more than 40 years. Introduction to Mushrooms of the Mat-Su Region will include field and laboratory identification and information on collecting, preparing and preserving edible mushrooms. The workshop will also cover current issues involving mushrooms and resources for continuing studies.
The course will include a lecture from 6 to 9 p.m. Aug. 19 and fieldwork Aug. 20-21. The fee is $100 for the entire course or $20 for the lecture only.
The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service will host the lecture and workshop at Kerttula Hall on the Matanuska Experiment Farm, at 1509 Georgeson Road. Registration for the full workshop or the lecture is available at or by calling Extension at 907-745-3360. Aug. 12 is the registration deadline. For more information, contact Palmer agent Julie Cascio at or Melissa Clampitt at