MyUA performance evaluation process

October 14, 2019

University Relations

I have a question about evaluations through MYUA. Who is reading them? What are their purpose? Where are they being stored? Why aren't people being held accountable for doing them like safety trainings? If pay-steps ever come back into play will they reflect pay raises? I agree they are important, but they are an INCREDIBLE amount of work to make them productive, and there must be an easier way. They were advertised as a way to have productive, strength based, goal focused conversations with employees, but there is still a ratings process that doesn't allow for any wiggle room. It's either Fantastic, Mediocre, or Horrible. The process is not clear at all, and VERY confusing. The only training/video/guide I could find was a 26 page document. Is there no 5 minute video explaining the process of what is the employees responsibility, the supervisor's responsibility and when the different steps need to happen and in which order?