New Alaska herb guide published
January 14, 2015
The University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service has published a comprehensive Alaska guide for herb enthusiasts.

The guide is a collaboration between Extension and the Georgeson Botanical Garden. The garden’s director, professor Pat Holloway, wrote the section about cultivating herbs, which includes research conducted by the garden and by volunteers.
The publication is dedicated to Barbara Fay, a longtime gardener who taught community herb classes in Fairbanks for more than 20 years. She worked with Holloway on herb research at the garden and enlisted other gardeners to join her and tend the herb beds.
Fay’s notes and class materials formed the guide’s framework. Extension home economist Roxie Dinstel and two of Fay’s fellow herb enthusiasts, Virginia Damron and Marsha Munsell, provided information on preserving and storing herbs, edited the guide and tested recipes.
Holloway said the guide will be a great asset to gardeners and others interested in growing and using the herbs. She credits Fay.
“This is her idea, her baby,” she said. “She is the one who got us all riled up about herbs.”
Copies are $15 and available at Extension district offices or by calling 1-877-520-5211.