New DVD on raising chickens released
November 29, 2011

Individuals interested in keeping a flock of laying chickens through the winter will benefit from a new DVD released by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension Service.
Community development agent Mara Bacsujlaky , who has raised chickens in the Interior for 10 years, developed the DVD, “Winter Chickens: The Down and Dirty of Keeping Laying Hens Through an Alaska Winter.”
The DVD, which is filmed in Bacsujlaky’s chicken coop near Fairbanks, is a visual illustration of what one can expect and is not intended as a comprehensive how-to guide. It contains information about housing and equipment, feed and costs, as well as thoughts about the challenges and benefits of keeping a laying flock through the winter. The DVD is geared to the cold and dry conditions of the Interior and northern Alaska.
While home-raised eggs are delicious, keeping winter chickens can get expensive, Bacsujlaky said, especially in areas with high utility costs.
Copies of the DVD may be ordered through Extension for $5 by calling 1-877-520-5211.
MEDIA CONTACT: Mara Bacsujlaky, Extension community development agent, at 907-474-5741 or