New extension agent to serve Southeast
February 5, 2013

Sarah Lewis is the new health, home and family development agent for the UAF Cooperative Extension Service in Southeast Alaska.
Lewis is a lifelong Alaskan who grew up in Juneau and moved back to the community in 2003. An architect, she has worked for architecture firms in Anchorage and, most recently, as a project manager for the City and Borough of Juneau architecture division.
Her longtime interests, however, have included food security and emergency planning, preparation and preservation of local foods, family economics, and home energy and resource conservation. Lewis is excited about offering programs on those topics in Southeast communities.
“It’s my dream job,” she says.
Lewis wrote a freelance column for the Juneau Empire called Main Street Homesteader with articles about cooking, urban homesteading, food security, sustainable architecture and other topics. She is a member of the board of director for the Girls Scouts of Alaska and Juneau Slow Food boards of directors.
Lewis will work out of the Juneau District extension office in the Bill Ray Center at 1108 F St., Suite 213. She welcomes programming suggestions and invitations to offer workshops. Contact her at 796-6241 or The Cooperative Extension Service offers research-based, practical information to Alaskans.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Sarah Lewis, health, home and family development agent, at 907-796-6241 or