New 'repair cafe' to open

February 10, 2020

University Relations

The Office of Sustainability will be opening a "repair cafe" on the bottom floor of Wood Center in Room 005, the "upcycle annex." A kickoff event will be held Thursday, Feb. 20, at 4 p.m., with a focus on clothing repair.

A repair café is a meeting place where community members can repair clothing, household items, small electronics, etc. Its objectives are to reduce waste, develop or maintain one's repair skills, and strengthen community and social cohesion.

Tools will be available. Users can fix their broken goods independently or with the help of volunteers. If you have repair skills please contact the Office of Sustainability at 474-5070 or to get involved and help equip students and others with the skills to repair, rather than throw out, broken or damaged items.

The Office of Sustainability is located in the suite of offices on the main floor of Wood Center, within the Center for Student Engagement. The Free Store, where users can select from a variety of clothes and goods donated by others, is next to the upcycle annex in Room 007.

Starting Feb. 24, the repair café will have open hours Wednesdays from 1-4 p.m. and Thursdays from 2-4 p.m.

You can download a flyer (PDF) of the Feb. 20 event here.