'Northern Soundings' to feature the late Rudy Krejci

April 24, 2019

University Relations

Photo courtesy of the Krejci family.
Photo courtesy of the Krejci family.

The April 30 edition of "Northern Soundings" on KUAC FM will be a salute to the life and contributions of the late Rudy Krejci. Krejci died Dec. 9, 2018.

As a young man in Czechoslovakia at the end of World War II, Krejci came under fire from retreating Nazis. He later drew the ire of Czech Communists and went into hiding for five years. After escaping to Austria, Krejci earned his doctorate in philosophy and emigrated to the U.S. He was told by UA President Ernest Patty the school would never need a philosophy program, so he began his academic career at UA teaching Russian and German. But he persevered and eventually helped establish a philosophy department, the UAF Socratic Society and the College of Arts and Sciences. He also helped secure the legacy of scientists fired from UA over opposition to Project Chariot.

"Northern Soundings" is hosted by Robert Hannon Tuesdays at 7 p.m. on KUAC 89.9 FM, KUAC TV 9.6 or stream at KUAC.org.