NSF Early CAREER workshop

January 23, 2019

University Relations

NSF CAREER workshop flyerAn NSF Early CAREER workshop will be offered Wednesday, Jan. 30, from 9 a.m.-noon in Elvey 215 (the Globe Room). The workshop will be conducted by Kelvin Chu of The Implementation Group.

The focus will be on the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program, and how UAF researchers can be successful.

  1. Overview of early career opportunities

  2. Overview of NSF CAREER program

  3. Positioning for CAREER  with NSF programs

  4. CAREER proposal components

  5. Integration of Research and Education

  6. What do review panels look like? What do review panels look for?

For questions or to schedule a one-on-one meeting with the Implementation Group, email Cassie Pinkel at cjpinkel@alaska.edu.