Online resource offers Alaska-based science curriculum
August 3, 2011

Aug. 3, 2011
A free science education resource for Alaska educators is now available online. Developed by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute under contract to the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development, the Alaska K-12 Science Curricular Initiative is designed to help teachers bring cutting-edge Alaska research to K-12 classrooms.
The site features more than 300 physical, earth and life science lessons based on research being conducted throughout the state. Lessons were created to address the state’s science grade-level expectations and incorporate Alaska Native culture and traditional wisdom. State education commissioner Michael Hanley has endorsed the resources offered by AKSCI.
AKSCI offers a three-year curriculum map that school districts can adopt to provide cohesive K-12 science instruction. The curriculum enables students to revisit content areas and to build upon knowledge they have previously gained.
Geophysical Institute education director Kathy Berry Bertram, who oversaw the project, explained that AKSCI advocates student inquiry and experimentation. “AKSCI was created for Alaska students by Alaska scientists, Alaskan teacher and Alaska elders. It is designed to foster student enthusiasm for studying the science they see occurring around them.”
The AKSCI database is set up as a searchable website so teachers can use the entire curriculum or just the lessons that meet their individual classroom needs. In addition to lessons, the website offers a variety of multimedia materials to support classroom work and online access to 29 University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists willing to mentor teachers.
AKSCI is founded on five educational programs previously created by the Geophysical Institute as well as Alaska Sea Grant’s Alaska Seas and Rivers Curriculum and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Alaska Wildlife Curriculum.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Kathy Berry Bertram, Geophysical Institute education director, at 907-474-7798 or Glenda Findlay, AKSCI program manager, at 907-474-2722 or