Participate in the 2014 Heart Walk
March 27, 2014

It's Heart Walk time! When the opportunity for me to help with this year's Heart Walk came up, I enthusiastically agreed, for two reasons. First, because my boss — Chancellor Rogers — supports it. But being in the good graces of my boss isn’t nearly the most important reason I’m involved. What truly motivates me is that sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of firefighter deaths in the line of duty. Just two weekends ago I attended the funeral for a longtime fire captain friend and colleague who collapsed and died suddenly of a massive heart attack during a training exercise in Anchorage. And just last winter, our former fire chief, Bill Shechter, died from a major stroke. Strokes and heart attacks are basically the same event: If it occurs in the heart muscle it's a heart attack; if it occurs in the brain, it's a stroke. Both are preventable! Firefighters are generally focused on safety and fitness, but sometimes the cumulative stress of repeatedly waking suddenly and jumping into action takes its toll. The good news is that the American Heart Association is making real progress in preventing and treating heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. What better reason is there to support the American Heart Association?
On May 17, you can join 200 of your closest UAF friends and co-workers on this year's Heart Walk. You can raise money for an important cause while getting some exercise and having fun. Teams are forming now, and we need you! The walk starts at 9 a.m. at Veterans Memorial Park, 700 Cushman St. You can form or join a team by visiting the 2014 Heart Walk page, or by picking up a packet from Marianne Freelong at Facilities Services.
This year's fundraising goal is $40,000. As in past years, we will have T-shirts designed by CLA Dean Todd Sherman for those who contribute $25 or more. Those who contribute $350 or more will be treated to a heart-healthy lunch with Chancellor Rogers and Sherry Modrow. Stay tuned for other incentives and activities. Until then, won't you join me in signing up for this year's Heart Walk?