Participate in the Tanana Valley State Fair
July 13, 2021

The Tanana Valley State Fair is July 30 to Aug. 8 in Fairbanks, and there are opportunities for departments and individuals to participate including on UAF Day Tuesday, Aug. 3. UAF employees, students, alumni and friends will receive $1 off admission by wearing UAF apparel or showing their PolarExpress card.
UAF will also have several booths at the Borealis Pavilion, which will have UAF Community and Technical College class schedules, applications and details about the upcoming semester. More than 125 free UAF Cooperative Extension Service publications will be available on gardening, energy, food preparation and more.
This year, UAF has space available in the Borealis Pavilion for programs and departments interested in outreach to the public. This is a great opportunity to share information about what you do.
If you are interested in outreach for your program or department, please contact Carla Browning, institutional events manager, by Friday, July 16, about available time slots. Volunteers receive free admission to the fair on the day they volunteer.