Wood Center exhibits feature photovoice, digital storytelling

May 2, 2017

University Relations

Psychology Department faculty and students invite you to view new photovoice projects May 4-6 in Wood Center's exhibit area near the multilevel lounge.

The photovoice projects, as well as a digital storytelling exhibit, will also be displayed during a First Friday event from 4-6 p.m. May 5 in the same location.

Photovoice and digital storytelling allow people to share their experiences through photos and stories that combine voice, music and video.

In one featured project, psychology student Gabriel Cartagena creates a qualitative, cross-cultural analysis of how people live with HIV and AIDS in Alaska and South Africa. The thesis project uses photovoice for community members to visually tell their stories of HIV/AIDS survivorship around the world and begin an important community dialogue about HIV/AIDS.

In a second project, psychology professors Ellen Lopez and Inna Rivkin use photovoice and digital storytelling to help members of the UAF community share what having a tobacco-free campus means to them and voice the successes, struggles and consequences of this policy.