Proposals sought for volunteer forum
April 21, 2015

The Alaska 4-H Program will host the forum March 2-4, 2016, at the Westmark Fairbanks Hotel. The forum is a leadership conference for volunteers, staff and community partners working with K-12 youth. Hundreds of participants are expected from 13 Western states, Canada and Guam.
4-H State Program Leader Deb Jones said the forum is a wonderful venue to showcase what UAF has to offer prospective students and parents as it engages teens, adult volunteers and partners in positive youth development. Workshops generally provide hands-on learning that volunteers can take back and apply to their local programs.
Forum organizers are accepting workshop proposals through June 1. “Why not share some of the excitement of your department with visiting teens and parents while they enjoy learning in our fun Fairbanks winter environment?” Jones asked.
This is the first time the event will be held in Fairbanks. “Let’s make the most of it,” Jones said.
Visit to submit a proposal or for conference information. For more information, contact Jones at 907-474-6356 or