Protection of minors training offered

September 4, 2014


Praesidium, under contract with the UA system, will provide additional training to support program managers who hire staff or volunteers for activities involving minors. The training in the protection of minors will be held Sept. 16 from 3 t0 4:30 p.m. in 109 Butrovich.

The hands-on workshop will give hiring managers effective screening and selection methods. Participants will learn questions to ask during interviews that may reveal an applicant's increased tendency to act abusively. They also will learn to detect evasive and deceptive responses and malingering. Participants will take part in role-play exercises to learn behavioral interviewing methods, how to use telephone interviews, how to set up a reference call-in center to manage more reference checks in a short period of time, and how to critically review information provided on written applications. They also will learn strategies to conduct productive reference checks.

For additional information or questions, please contact Frances Isgrigg, director of UAF's Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management division, at