RainWorks Challenge comes to UAF

August 11, 2014


UAF is hosting a RainWorks Challenge, a competition in which university students design systems to manage rain and snow run-off on campus. Prizes are awarded to winning students and faculty. Registration begins Sept. 2.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has hosted the nationwide competition for the past three years.

The RainWorks Challenge is open to undergraduate and graduate students of all different disciplines. This fall's challenge asks students to design a green infrastructure project that will manage storm water through natural processes, such as rain gardens and bio-swales. The final design should be capable of benefiting the environment and the campus community.

Participants may submit either a master plan entry or a demonstration entry. A master plan entry would show how green infrastructure could be incorporated across campus. A demonstration entry would focus on a green infrastructure project at a specific site.

Contest organizers encourage teams to include students with different majors. Each team must also include a faculty member. The winning teams will receive a $2,000 student prize and a $3,000 faculty prize.

For more information, contact Michele Mouton, of the UAF Office of Sustainability, at mahebert@alaska.edu or 907-474-5070. The office is in the top floor of the Lola Tilly Commons.