Rasmuson Library offering in-person appointments to public
March 2, 2021

Starting March 1, the Rasmuson Library will expand its service offerings to the general public with a limited number of appointment visits for non-UAF patrons to use the library facility. While the library has been providing building access for UAF faculty, staff and students since last summer, this new online signup system will allow non-UAF patrons the option to make an appointment in advance to visit the library for a two-hour period, with each patron limited to one slot per day. For patrons who prefer not to come to the Rasmuson Library, there is still an option to use the catalog and select "FNSB Fairbanks" — the public library — as the pick-up library.
Advance appointments will allow staff to ensure the social distancing, masking requirement, and workstation cleaning needed to protect the health of all who use or work in the facility. Note that public-facing staff may not be closer to patrons than 6 feet or 2 meters, and are not available to help with research; see our Reference page for research help options.
Also starting March 1, Archives Research Room appointments will be available for the public; interested patrons should use the archives' online system to make these appointments.
Rasmuson Library building visit appointments
Archives Research Room appointments
For questions or concerns about these appointments or other library questions, please contact Karen Jensen, director of libraries, at 474-6695 or kljensen@alaska.edu.