Residence Life open house

January 29, 2019

University Relations

Res Life open house flyerCurrently enrolled students are invited to learn about Fairbanks campus housing options for fall 2019. The open house, sponsored by the Department of Residence Life, will be held Monday, Feb. 4, from 3-6 p.m. Beginning in the Hess Rec Center, tours of Bartlett Hall, the Cutler Apartments, Lathrop Hall, McIntosh Hall, Nerland Hall and Wickersham Hall will start at 3:30 p.m. and run every 30 minutes until 6 p.m.

Representatives from the halls and from Employee, Family and Graduate Housing, or EFG, will be available to answer questions and help students select a room or apartment. Dining Services and the Bookstore will also be on hand to answer any questions.

At the open house students can pick their room for the fall, which gives them priority over the general room lotteries. Additionally, the first 20 students to sign up for each area will get a free, custom-designed T-shirt. Changes for this fall include removing the credit and GPA requirement for all halls (Nerland is still 21+), expanding gender-inclusive room options to Wickersham Hall, moving management of the Sustainable Village to EFG, and expanding a gender-diversity living-learning community for Bartlett Hall.

The event will be held in the Hess Recreation Center in the Moore-Bartlett-Skarland complex. Food will be provided by  Dining Services.

Questions? Feel free to email Brittany Van Eck at