Rockets & Gold: Poker Flat Research Range open house
July 13, 2012

Situated in the gold-mining district of the Interior, Poker Flat Research Range is a research facility dedicated to launching sounding rockets and serving as the home base for the University of Alaska’s fleet of unmanned aircraft. As part of Golden Days 2012, Poker Flat will open its gate to the public, who can tour key facilities on the lower range, including launch pads, the blockhouse and more on July 19, 2012, from 4 to 8 p.m. Poker Flat is located at Mile 30 on the Steese Highway in Chatanika.
During the Rockets & Gold: Poker Flat Research Range open house, personnel will be on hand to describe the work they do at the range and provide an unmanned aircraft demonstration. Rocket activities for kids will also take place. Admission is free at this community event.
Poker Flat was established in 1968 and has drawn scientists from around the world for decades. The range is ideal for launching sounding rockets into the aurora borealis and its thousands of acres provide ample space for research and testing of unmanned aircraft. The range is the only university-owned sounding rocket range in the world. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute operates Poker Flat and works closely with NASA, which funds most of the rocket projects that launch from the range each year.
ADDITIONAL CONTACTS: Marmian Grimes, UAF public information officer, 907-474-7902, Poker Flat Research Range: 907-455-2110.