Presentation: Sagavanirktok flood

February 13, 2018

University Relations


Photo courtesy of Yuri Shur.
Photo courtesy of Yuri Shur.

Flooding of the Dalton Highway in March and May 2015 caused its closing for several weeks. Gov. Bill Walker issued two declarations of disaster emergency due to the unprecedented flooding. The declarations acknowledged the severe impact and damage to highway infrastructure, including the road surface, embankments and drainage structures; restricted or prohibited travel that caused economic hardship to local, regional and international business; and an urgent need for immediate road repairs and flow diversion efforts to alleviate future threats to that infrastructure. Causes of the severe Dalton Highway flooding were widely attributed to high precipitations in the previous summer, a cold winter and a warm spring. This presentation by Yuri Shur will consider other causes of flooding and the impact of flooding on permafrost and shore erosion.

The event is 3:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 16, in the Pub. It is free and open to the public, but all attendees must be at least 21 years old. You can also join via Zoom at, meeting ID 275-612-771, or call in to 669-900-6833 or 646-558-8656