Security awareness spring training event

April 15, 2021

University Relations

April is the University of Alaska’s Security Awareness Spring Training Month, an event where we celebrate your efforts to become more security aware. This training aims to enhance your understanding and awareness of threats like phishing, social engineering, ransomware, and man-in-the-middle attacks, as well as identify best practices in responding to them.

Students and employees who complete the training in April will be entered into a drawing for a total of 10 $50 prizes. Entering is easy. Here’s how:


Watch our series of security awareness videos . Each video is three minutes or less. Answer a quick, three-question quiz for each video (8 total), and you’ll be entered into the drawing.

Employees (requires access to myUA)

Take our five data security training sessions . Each one takes 10 minutes or less. That’s it! Once you finish them, you’ll be entered to win! Already taken them? You’re done!

This contest ends at 11:59 p.m. Friday, April 30. Join the UA Security Matters team and shake off that winter slump. We hope to see you out there!