Shuttle bus changes during closure near Duckering
October 11, 2012
During the closure of Tanana Loop at the Duckering Building, the UAF shuttles will
change their routes. The Taku route will provide dedicated service to and from the
Taku parking lot, to and from the Wood Center bus stop, and a C-Loop will provide
service from the Wood Center bus stop to the lower campus. The route will start at
Wood Center and proceed west on Yukon Drive to MBS, Reichardt, Irving, GI/Elvey and
Butrovich, then go down Tanana Loop to the Nenana parking lot, Lola Tilly Commons/Lower
Dorms, and the Patty Center, then return back to the West Ridge stops, Reichardt,
MBS and Wood Center.
Please contact Transportation Services at 474-RIDE (474-7433) for more information.