Free snow cleats available
October 26, 2011
A frequent cause of slips and falls is the use of improper footwear in these extreme weather conditions. EHS&RM provides FREE ice/snow cleats to all UAF employees. These cleats will increase traction and grip and help keep you on your feet while traversing around campus.
Due to the many varying types of footwear, these cleats should be picked up in person to allow an exact fit to the shoes or boots you will be wearing them with. Get a free pair at either the Facilities Services Safety Office (474-5949), 803 Alumni Drive; or at the EHS&RM Office (474-5413) located off campus at 1855 Marika Road (the UAF Central Receiving Bldg. off Aurora Drive).
You must call before picking up the cleats. If you do not have transportation, contact EHS&RM and other arrangements can be made. You'll also receive a handout on walking safely on ice and snow with each pair of cleats. Take advantage of this great opportunity.
For more information call 474-5413.