Snow removal and short notice

January 10, 2018

University Relations

Hello, I was wondering how personal vehicles that are left by travelers over the holiday break are moved around the parking lots by facilities services during hard pack removal. I specifically checked prior to leaving for the break that hard pack was not scheduled. Now my colleague has informed me that my vehicle has been moved. Why was it moved and why was a hard pack schedule not made available well in advance or even a few weeks ago? Vehicles and components can be damaged when vehicles are moved by either dragging or when improperly chained down. Surely Facilities feels comfortable assuming the liability if damage is found? Granted it is UAF property that we park on but we do pay a lot of money for that privilege and the vehicles are still our private property and are protected as such. Please include contact information and office location for who I should directly speak with in the event I find any damage and for filing a claim.
