Snow removal this weekend

November 8, 2017

Tori Tragis

Maintenance crew foreman Raif Kennedy works to clear a path in front of the Rasmuson Library during a brief but heavy snowfall Nov. 5 on the Fairbanks campus.

A significant snowfall is predicted for the Fairbanks area over the next few days. In addition to the snow accumulation on Thursday and Friday, another 4 to 8 inches are expected Saturday and Sunday. Windy conditions may slow snow removal efforts. Facilities Services is preparing extra rotations this weekend to keep roads and walkways on the Fairbanks campus as clear as possible.

Please be patient while the crews tend to critical areas of safety and access first. This includes major roadways, walkways and ADA-access areas. If you see an area that needs immediate attention, call 474-7000.

Six inches of snow on the parking lots alone equals 71,114 cubic yards of snow, or 4,740 dump trucks' worth. Every year Facilities Services goes through 400 tons of traction sand for roads, parking lots and walkways. The crews work with a limited staff as quickly as they can across a large campus, which comprises:

- 10.52 miles of walkways
- 7.7 miles of roads
- 1,920,094 square feet of parking lots
- 2,937 individual steps on exterior stairs
- 29 building-access ADA ramps
- 148 walkway handicap access points
- 55 crosswalks
- 66 benches
- 22 emergency phone sites
- 78 dumpsters serviced daily
- 87 exterior trash cans serviced daily

Make sure you're prepared with appropriate clothing and a winter-ready vehicle. Allow extra time to make it to your destination safely. Employees can get free ice cleats from Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management at 1855 Marika Road, in Fairbanks. Call 474-5476 or 474-2763 to ensure someone is in the office to assist you. UAF extended sites (rural campuses) can order ice cleats for their employees and be reimbursed through the loss prevention program.

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