Malone is SNRE employee of the quarter
April 21, 2014
UAF School of Natural Resources and Extension Research Forester Tom Malone has been
named Employee of the Quarter for spring 2014.
For the past 31 years, Malone has worked diligently to provide information to landowners
and managers so they can make better land management decisions. He helped set up permanent
sample plots in Interior and Southcentral Alaska from the southern slope of the Brooks
Range to Ninilchik, gathering a variety of data, from forest health and growth to
ecology and soils. Malone is retiring at the end of April.
"I've never met a kinder, more honest or more ethical person than Tom," said Steve
Sparrow, SNRE interim dean and director of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment
Station. "Tom has worked with lots of students and researchers over the years, and
I think he is held in high regard by all of them. One characteristic I really like
in Tom is that although he has done some really great work, he does not sing his own
praises, but really enjoys seeing those he has worked with, trained or taught go on
to do well."
Professor Glenn Juday said, "Tom has been particularly responsive to our efforts to
archive his many plots and studies into the Boreal Alaska — Learning, Adaptation and
Production archive of Data Atlas of Forest Research Installations. He has organized
the data beautifully and has all the data sets in good shape. It's a model of handing
on a long-term study."
Malone's long-time colleague, Alan Tonne, manager of the Fairbanks Experiment Farm,
said, "If you were to look up Forest Growth and Yield Program it would or should say
Tom Malone. He's been so much a part of that program that it won't be the same without
him, but it will carry on."