Something troubled me at the chancellor's forum on morale

March 22, 2019

University Relations

Something troubled me at the chancellor's forum on morale: the mentions made by White, Prakash, and maybe others about how we love our jobs and are proud to work at UAF, with an implication that our love and pride are one of our greatest assets.

Please, UAF leaders, don't rely on our love and pride to keep us here. We didn't become staff because we fell in love with the mission. Some of us work here (for decades, even!) because we need a job with insurance or a steady paycheck, doing work that's not too unpleasant in a nice environment. Maybe we like practicing our specialty -- whether that's editing video, landscaping the grounds, shelving books, or writing press releases -- and UAF gives us a place to do it.

Also, do I have to start taking my staff out to lunch in the name of good morale? How do you square that with the practice of reducing unnecessary meetings? Do I have to start asking questions about their personal lives?