Spring professional development opportunities
February 13, 2019

Friday, Feb. 22 (G'Cal Link)
Gruening 301
Video Conference: video.fairbanks5
Pin: 0024
Dealing with Difficult People • Carrie Santoro
Knowing how to deal with difficult people is an important skill not only for your personal well-being, but also because your success depends, to a large extent, on how well you interact with people — even the difficult ones. Believe it or not, you can stay calm, de-escalate conflict, and maintain your dignity even when dealing with the difficult people in your life. We’ll be exploring strategies and tactics to do just that.
Wednesday, March 20 (G'Cal Link)
Akasofu (IARC) 401
Video Conference: video.fairbanks3
Pin: 0022
Change! Adapting - Embracing - Facing • Donna Anger
No matter the magnitude or pace, organizational change impacts each of us in some way. Please join us for a conversation about adapting, embracing and facing change as a component of personal and professional development.
Wednesday, April 10 (G'Cal Link)
ELIF 401
Video Conference: video.fairbanks3
Pin: 0022
Just Do It: Talking to Your Boss About Growth Opportunities • Nicole Cundiff
Professional development should be for everyone. When opportunities come along, what can you do to ensure that you are supported in the process? Barriers will be discussed along with tips and tricks to overcome them.
These sessions are sponsored by Staff Council. If you’d like to present on a topic or would like to see a particular session offered, please email b.pauling@alaska.edu.