SRC classes

February 12, 2019

University Relations

As a student who pays for the SRC membership, I am very frustrated about the classes. The schedule on this page doesn't match the available classes on this page most of the times, and when they are - you register and show up and there is no instructor there. That is especially true for the indoor cycling classes. As of today (1/10/2019) the schedule shows classes starting on Monday, but when you go to register for them, it says "There are no instances available at this time."

In the past, many of us met at the locked doors of the indoor cycling room, while we were all registered. While I am picking on the indoor cycling, this is also true for other classes I have signed up for in the past. I understand that there aren't a lot of students coming, but one can easily get discouraged after a few attempts and go somewhere else.

I am considering renewing my membership, but is there any indication that the classes promised are going to be delivered?