State geologist and state forester to speak at UAF
October 31, 2016

State geologist Steve Masterman and state forester Chris Maisch will speak at the University of Alaska Fairbanks in November.
Both presentations, which are hosted by the student Resource Management Society, will be informal and open to the public.
Masterman, director of the Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys in Fairbanks, will talk at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 3 in the Wood Center ballroom. His topics will include geologic communications, volcanology and internships.
Maisch, director of the Alaska Division of Forestry, will speak at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 9, also in the ballroom. Maisch will address wildland fire and forest management, current projects, and employment, internship and volunteer opportunities.

Resource Management Society president Trish Levasseur said the sessions will give students and the public an opportunity to learn more about the fields of geology and wildland fire and forest management and ask questions that could lead to future job prospects in those areas. Question-and-answer sessions will follow both speakers.
The society is a student club affiliated with the School of Natural Resources and Extension. Members will host a bake sale at both events. For more information, contact Levasseur at