Strategic Plan draft reports
March 31, 2021
— by Dan White, chancellor
UAF Strategic Planning (SP) teams have been hard at work since November 2018 on the
UAF Strategic Plan for 2025. While the process was interrupted by fiscal exigency
and organizational uncertainty, the time for completion is in sight. In preparation
for receiving and incorporating additional public input, each team has published a
two-page overview of the goal they have been charged with outlining. The goals and
the work to date can be found on the SP website along with the committee's full draft reports on each goal.
As we finalize our Strategic Plan, we will share 30- to 40-minute recorded presentations
on each of the six strategic goals. We will begin sharing these with the campus community
in Cornerstone beginning the week of April 5. Additionally, a short, two-minute video
introducing each goal will be shared on social media.
In conjunction with the video release, we will be soliciting your feedback as students,
staff, faculty and community members before we finalize the plan by the end of the
semester. Feedback will be collected between April 5 and May 1.
Thank you to the great amount of work done already over this extended time and extenuating
circumstances! Faculty, staff and students have already put in countless hours into
the plan and it shows. The product so far is well-thought-out and can provide guidance
for decision-making through 2025. I look forward to your feedback and the final release
of UAF’s Strategic Plan 2025!
Thanks for choosing UAF.