Student job and research fair scheduled in September
August 4, 2011
The newly combined Job and Research Fair sponsored by Career Services, Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity and the Center for Research Services will take place from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept 7 – 8, in the
Wood Center multilevel lounge.
This new event will provide an opportunity for students to talk to UAF departments,
research units and other students about on-campus jobs, research opportunities, and
scholarly activities in their major or other fields of interest. We would like to
encourage opportunities for graduate students to mentor undergraduates.
To register for this event, departments need to create an employer profile on UAFCareerConnect then select the tab for the UAF Student Job & Research Fair 2011.
Registration deadline date: Friday, Aug. 19, 2011
Benefits for departments:
- Promote increased awareness of undergraduate research
- Provide access to many potential, passionate student employees
- Identify possible collaborators on multi-discipline projects
Benefits for students:
- Find on-campus student jobs
- Dialogue with other students about particular fields of interest
- Opportunities for graduate students to mentor undergrads and provide background from their own experiences
- Opportunities for undergraduate students to ask departments/graduate students questions about student jobs and internships, undergraduate research opportunities or scholarly activities — all in one place
- Opportunities for students to begin or continue planning their career based on information provided at the event
- Opportunities for students to find answers to that dreaded question ... "What will you do with your major?"
- Find potential references/mentors to assist in the career planning process
- Practice “elevator speech” in preparation for the fall employer job fairs/interviews
Benefits for student organizations/clubs:
- Opportunities to recruit members
- Opportunities to check out undergrad/grad research opportunities and scholarly activities happening inside and outside major field of study
- Opportunities to provide valuable information and resources to fellow students, staff and faculty
- Opportunities to collaborate on multi-discipline projects
If you have any questions about this event, creating a profile or registering for the fair, contact Career Services at, 474-7596, 110 Eielson Building, or Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity at, 474-5082 or 301 Bunnell Building.