Student, staff host spring break series about accessibility at UAF
March 4, 2021

"UA is an AA/EO employer and educational institution and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual:”
You have almost certainly seen this tagline — it’s at the bottom of every university website and publication. But what does it mean? How does nondiscrimination actually work?
This series will dive into those questions and how they relate to one specific protected group of individuals: people with disabilities.
Spend an hour each day over spring break learning about the processes, offices and resources our university has to ensure the rights to accessible education and employment mandated by law. Each event will take place from 1-2 p.m.
This event series is for faculty and staff who work with students who have disability accommodations, as well as for anyone who is curious about how accessibility works at UAF.
Access the event on iTeachU.
Presented by UAF eCampus in partnership with UAF Disability Services and the UA Human Resources Office.
Monday, March 8 - What You Need to Know About Accessibility Law
Speakers: Clara Noomah and Amber Cagwin
An overview of the laws relating to accessibility and higher education, presented in a way that is accessible to people who aren’t lawyers. We swear, this is more interesting than it seems!
Tuesday, March 9 - Getting Accommodations as a Student
Speakers: Amber Cagwin and Sarah Walker
Go step by step through the process of student academic accommodations with the director of UAF Disability Services and learn about some common misconceptions. Then, join a Q&A with Sarah Walker, a senior in business management at UAA who has a visual impairment. Not only does she have personal experience with the student accommodations process, she has also worked for UAA’s Disability Services and participated in student advocacy efforts around accessibility.
Wednesday, March 10 - Assistive Technology and Universal Design
Speakers: Marissa Jesser and Clara Noomah
Explore the tools and strategies that are commonly used at UAF to provide a level academic playing field for students with disabilities. Many of these adaptations are actually popular with a wide range of people who find them helpful.
Thursday, March 11 - Getting Accommodations as an Employee
Speakers: Audrey Coble and Bailey Brack
The university’s nondiscrimination policies aren’t just about students! Learn about the employee accommodations process including how to request accommodation, what to expect in the interactive process and more!
Access the event on iTeachU.