Student wellness groups
September 4, 2019

"Coloring for Calm" — First Friday of every month, noon-1 p.m., Wood Center multilevel lounge. It's your hour to color, relax and destress. All materials are provided.
"Creating Hope" — Thursday, 1-2 p.m., MBS peer mentor office (MBS 117). This is a free, confidential group for students who have experienced sexual assault, dating violence or sexual abuse.
"Taking Control of Your Headspace" — Every Tuesday, 1-2 p.m., Gruening 301. Learn the basics of stress management to improve your ability to cope with adversity and manage stress with resilience.
"Stress Less" — First Monday of every month, noon-1 p.m., Wood Center multilevel lounge. This is a safe space to discuss ongoing concerns with peers on university changes.
"Let's Talk" — The dates and locations of these drop-in individual consultation opportunities vary. The first one of the semester will be Wednesday, Sept. 18, from 3-5 p.m. in the MBS Complex.
If you have any questions about a group, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 474-7043. We are here for you!