Schnurr, York, Tschida take top student awards
May 2, 2013
Dozens of students were honored at the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ annual student awards breakfast on Saturday. Each spring, UAF honors students who have distinguished themselves throughout their academic careers.
Among those honored were the winners of the Marion Frances Boswell Memorial Award, the Gray S. Tilly Memorial Award and the Joel Wiegert Award. The awards recognize the accomplishments of three top graduating seniors each year.

Theresia Schnurr is the recipient of the 2013 Marion Frances Boswell Memorial Award for outstanding graduating senior woman. She received her bachelor’s degree in chemistry/biochemistry in December and is now pursuing a master’s degree in chemistry and molecular biology. Schnurr came to UAF from Buhlertal, Germany. She is a member of the UAF cross-country skiing and running teams, where she is a three-time NCAA Championships participant, twice with skiing and once with running. In 2011, she led the Nanooks’ cross-country running team to a fourth-place finish at the NCAA West Region Championship and the entire team’s first-ever bid to the NCAA Championship. When she wasn’t competing and training, Schnurr volunteered her time with Team Alaska, a group of student-athletes who raised money to travel to Mexico to build a house for a homeless family there. She has also contributed many hours of her time assisting with local youth skiing and running events. In the classroom, she maintained high grades and was known for her positive attitude and initiative.
“As an undergraduate researcher, Theresia immediately engaged in her project, learning techniques quickly and contributing to the improvement of the project,” wrote one of her nominators. “What was truly amazing is that, within a few short months, she started volunteering her time to train graduate students from other labs on equipment.”

Paul Tschida is the recipient of the 2013 Joel Wiegert Award, which is given to the outstanding graduating senior man. He will be receiving a bachelor’s degree in chemistry, with a concentration in biochemistry/molecular biology. Tschida transferred to UAF from the University of Alaska Anchorage in the fall of 2011 and is completing his degree in three years. In addition to his demanding academic schedule, Tschida works as a tutor at Student Support Services, where he is known for his kind demeanor and ability to explain material in a way that students can quickly understand. He is a member of the American Chemistry Society and Golden Key International Honor Society and has received multiple scholarships and awards during his time at UAF, including five consecutive semesters on the Chancellor’s List. After graduation, Tschida plans to attend pharmacy school in Scotland, where many of his family members live. Multiple people noted Tschida’s integrity in their nomination letters.
“Paul has an incredible work ethic and an outstanding dedication to his education. He is willing to spend his time helping students and promoting the university in the community at large,” wrote one nominator.

Jenny York is the recipient of the 2013 Gray S. Tilly Memorial Award, which is given to an outstanding graduating nontraditional student. She is receiving a bachelor’s degree in social work. York, who is from Tok, left high school at 14 when she was pregnant with her eldest child. In 1992, she was pregnant with her second child and had just left her marriage when she decided to return to school, first to get her GED and then to pursue an associate degree. After a short stint Outside, York returned to Alaska to be closer to family and began taking distance courses through the Interior-Aleutians Campus Tok Center. While she was able to earn her associate degree, it would be several years before York was able to begin working toward a bachelor’s degree. Today, the single mother of five works full time at the Tok Center and has been an active volunteer with a variety of organizations in Tok and Fairbanks. She did her practicum at the Birch Center, where she served as a visitation monitor for noncustodial parents convicted or accused of domestic violence and child abuse. York plans to pursue a master’s degree and eventually do social work within the criminal justice system.
“Jenny is really the kind of student that you hope for in your class. She works incredibly hard at the course content and brings meaning to her work, but also challenges and thinks critically about content,” wrote one nominator. “Jenny has allowed other students to grow by her modeling critical thinking and independence.”
NOTE TO EDITORS: Photos of Schnurr, Tschida and York, along with a complete list of student award winners, is posted online at If a student or department is not listed, it may be that the outstanding student for that department has a confidential hold on his or her academic record.
2013 student award winners
Specialty awards
Crystal Pitney, Scholar Athlete
Steven Thompson, Scholar Athlete
Community and Technical College
Michael Ford, Airframe and Powerplant
Esmirina Cruz, Applied Accounting
Sonya Hale, Applied Business,
Benjamin Pysto, Construction Management
Jenevie Burgess, Culinary Arts
Pearl Savage, Dental Assistant
Abe Christenson, Diesel and Heavy Equipmen
Adina Keirn, Drafting Technology
Chasity Evanow, Early Childhood Education
Delmari Tyndale, Fire Science
Matthew Read, Human Services
Jericho Tyler, Instrumentation Technology
Tracy Magill , Information Technology Specialist
Stephanie Lucio, Paralegal Studies
Janesther Daway Bennett, Medical Assisting
Kraig Bryan, Paramedic Academy
Neil Ollenburger, Process Technology
School of Natural Resources & Agricultural Sciences
Jacob Hakala, Forest Sciences
Jason Theis, Geography
Nathan Heeringa, High Altitude Agriculture
Rafael Rodriguez , Humans and the Environment
School of Management
Julie A. Gilhuly, Accounting
Kyla Hovda, Business Administration
Emily Elterman , Economics
Amber Lammers, Emergency Management
John William Jennings II, Military Science and Leadership
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Michael Courtney, Fisheries
School of Education
Emily Gray, Elementary Education
Thea Sundown, Rural Elementary Education
College of Rural and Community Development
Sharon Hildebrand, Alaska Native Studies
Gladys C. Landlord , Child Development and Family Studies
Shee'lene Fields, Construction Trades Technology
Christa Chavez, Developmental Education
Lisa Ellanna Strickling, Rural Development
Wanda Moses, Rural Nutrition Services
Jessica Boyle, Tribal Management
Billyann White, Veterinary Services
College of Natural Science & Mathematics
Daniela Wilner, Biological Sciences
Paul Tschida, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Rebecca Parrish, Geology & Geophysics
Lander Ver Hoef, Mathematics
Levi Cowan, Physics
Andrew Slagle, Statistics
Travis Lapointe, Wildlife Biology
College of Engineering and Mines
Levi Overbeck, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Jack LaSota, Computer Engineering
Zakoriah Williams, Computer Science
Russell Carroll, Electrical Engineering
Jocelyn Simpson, Geological Engineering
Daniel F. Updegrove, Mechanical Engineering
Justin White, Mining Engineering
James Petrilli, Petroleum Engineering
College of Liberal Arts
Chelsey Zibell, Alaska Native Languages
Ian Wilkinson, Art
Valerie M. Collins, English
Aaron D. Gordon, Film
Shaun Nesheim, Foreign Languages
Lindsay Saunders, History
Robin D. Wood, Journalism
Mamie Claire Davis, Justice
Kraig F. Smyth, Linguistics
Michael L. Keller, Music
Chris Wizda, Northern Studies
Matthew R. Smith, Philosophy
Joseph Byrnes, Political Science
Lacey Brewster, Psychology
Heather Helfrich, Social Work
Megan McClain Carpenter, Sociology
Deirdre D. Adams, Theatre
Leah M. Hill, Women’s and Gender Studies