Summer brown bag lunch sessions

June 13, 2018

University Relations

logo for brown bag lunch presentationsTwo more brown bag professional development sessions are coming up this summer.

Thursday, June 21, Mathew Mund will present in Akasofu 401 on the unique challenges midlevel managers face. He will discuss lasting leadership, labor law, policy and higher education, navigating institutional change, career development, effective midlevel leadership, academic discourse, campus activism and creating community.

Tuesday, July 10, Heidi Shepard will present in the ELIF BP Design Theater, Room 401, on StrengthsFinder (now known as CliftonStrengths). This assessment program helps people realize their natural talents; participants will gain a clear understanding of their top strengths and how they can implement them in their everyday lives.

Both sessions will be from noon-1 p.m. Bring your lunch and stop by!

The sessions will also be available via livestream and recording at A video conference link will be distributed to rural campus directors.

These sessions are sponsored by Staff Council. For more information email