Teaching Tip: Blackboard updates can benefit students
March 25, 2014
UAF’s Blackboard was recently updated to Service Pack 13, and here are some new features
you need to be aware of:
- Instructors can see what their courses look like and submit assignments as a student by clicking “Go to Student View.”
- Students can view all items in your grade center and arrange according to recently submitted, recently graded, alphabetical, chronological or upcoming.
- An attempt in progress now looks like a blue pie graph.
Click here for more updates, to see screenshots of the features mentioned above and for a downloadable graphic you can use in your own Blackboard course: http://elearning.uaf.edu/go/tt-bbsp13-gradebook
-- Teaching Tip by Heidi Olson and Tina Johnson, UAF eLearning & Distance Education instructional designers