Teaching Tip: How to Create and Use QR Codes
April 15, 2014

How to Read a QR Code
In order to read a QR code you need a mobile device or computer with a camera and QR-reading software. Some examples of apps for mobile devices include:
- Scan (iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile) https://scan.me/
- Qrafter (iPhone, iPad) http://qrafter.com/get/
Google “QR reader” for your type of device and shop around.
How to Create QR Codes
You can create QR codes that direct users just about anywhere: URLs, YouTube videos, map locations, Twitter, Facebook, Dropbox or Drive, telephone numbers, email addresses, or even to plain text!
There are many free applications to help you create your own QR codes so you can share and post them on your documents.
- QR Stuff http://www.qrstuff.com/
- Google (tracks stats on its use) http://goo.gl
Google “QR code creator” for your type of computer or device and shop around.
Read more about QR codes at iTeachU: http://elearning.uaf.edu/go/tt-qrcodes
- Teaching Tip by Heidi Olson, Learning Design Coordinator