Teaching Tip: How three courses are embracing distance students

November 6, 2018

Marissa Carl

National Distance Learning Week will be celebrated Nov. 5-9. UAF instructors employ a variety of ways to not only include nonlocal students but to actually use their differing locations to enhance a course.

Read more.

Steffi Ickert-Bond’s Intro to Alaska’s Flora students upload images of plants in their community to the iNaturalist app. By sharing their local findings with iNaturalist they are helping to create research-quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. This submission is from a UAF student in Nebraska.
Steffi Ickert-Bond’s Intro to Alaska’s Flora students upload images of plants in their community to the iNaturalist app. By sharing their local findings with iNaturalist they are helping to create research-quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. This submission is from a UAF student in Nebraska.