Teaching Tip: How to make self-assessment fun

April 25, 2016

Marissa Carl

Self Assessment How do your students know whether they have mastered a concept before they take a formal assessment? Your students may take advantage of online textbook resources that include cognitive tutors to test their knowledge, if available. Methods such as iterative assignments with defined revision cycles, group discussion, interactive video, a pre-quiz and class review time can help as well. Without the inevitable grade, getting reluctant students to participate in self-assessment or study activities can be a challenge. In this Teaching Tip, get some ideas for using popular tools to engage students with testing their knowledge while increasing interest in a topic: http://elearning.uaf.edu/go/tt-self-asmt.

— Teaching Tip by Jennifer Moss, a UAF eLearning instructional designer and adjunct faculty with over 20 years of experience in academics.