Teaching Tip: Now is the time for reflection

May 6, 2016

Marissa Carl

Finals are over and mostly graded. The real end is in sight, and our eyes are firmly fixed ahead toward the quiet green of summer. However, right now there’s a great opportunity to improve your teaching next semester. This is a great moment to reflect on how your course(s) went. What worked? What didn’t? Ask yourself some hard questions and capture your candid responses — take advantage of this while-the-iron-is-hot moment, and your future self may thank you.

Here are a few to get you started:

  1. What is one thing, the first thing that comes to mind, that you would like to change about your course for next time?

  2. How well did your students attain your intended or designed learning objectives? Is there something you can change to improve these results?

Read the full Teaching Tip for more reflective questions and activities: http://elearning.uaf.edu/go/tt-reflect.

— Teaching Tip by Owen Guthrie, an instructional designer with over 30 years experience serving teaching and learning in higher education.